Lali's World

By Lali

Birthday cake

This is a Birthday cake I made for a friend of mine. His wife's birthday is on Christmas day! :)

"Per molts anys" means Happy birthday in Catalan. 

I had a very lazy morning, maybe too lazy considering I had tons of things to do today, one of them being the delivery of this cake. I sort of was waiting for the rain to stop, but that's my excuse... :)

Cake delivered and, after that, running like a headless chicken trying to get everything I needed for tomorrow. I forgot that going to Tesco's on Christmas eve is a bit of a crazy idea... Isles blocked with people and trolleys and never ending queues, but I survived!!! 

This evening I still need to finish the Christmas log I'm making for tomorrow. You'll see the picture when it's finished.

I'll try and get as much done as I can this evening so I'm not in a rush to get ready tomorrow (famous last words... haha!)

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments. Still trying to get used to this new site and not having much time for comments. Really sorry, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

I wish you all a very merry Christmas!!! :) 

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