Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

New toy

Yesterday was a sad day and it was difficult to think about other things. It was a bitter sweet day.

Gail picked up her new car while I was 'elsewhere'.
Her old convertible has gone although the number plates containing both her mum and dad's name will be transferred. In it's place is a new one, again a convertible - and awesome it is too. I had a brief drive yesterday but felt unable to offset the sadness of the day with some moments of joy. 
Today I was restricted to getting it out of the garage and putting it away again. Twenty feet in both directions - but still it brought a smile. It was dark both ends of the day so no photos yet - but, they will come.

Soooo much to read and learn about what it can do. Still looking for the bit where it makes the tea though :-)

Just back blipped an image from Friday - Another dark brooding image - sorry ;-)

Huge Happy Birthday wishes to my little sister Jackie and her son Ryan - both celebrating today.

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