For the love of lights

Like many people today, the day was full of preparations for the coming celebrations. Despite not working (for payment that is) I was was still up at 6 to get a start on the day.

First assignment was fully discharged by 9:15 - Arrived with Jamie (my little helper for the day) at Tesco's at shortly after 8am - I wouldn't want to be down the supermarkets any later than that. By the time Jamie and I left it was heaving.

Next off to the farm shop for the turkey and trimmings plus many other delicious items. We had to wait ten minutes and had a floor show while one of the butchers made up some more of the wonderful pork sausages. Back home by 11, a quick cuppa and then off out again. This time to collect Jamie's present.

He wanted a new bike - We only ordered it Saturday and didn't expect to actually get it before Christmas. We got there and our fears almost came true. The shops stock system had had a glitch and got the number of units wrong. The bike he wanted and that they said they had Saturday wasn't actually there. A moments disappointment was soon replaced by complete joy when the guy said they'd upgrade his bike to the next in the range - a full £250 more expensive. Jammy is not the word. His original choice was the same bike as mine.
Now he has a much better one - At least I suppose we won't get them mixed up.
The rest of the day spent doing chores including doing a big lasagne for the clan this evening.

After dropping Jamie in town earlier I took a slight detour on the way home. I've been intending for a while to go past this house which is one of two facing each other where the owners are seemingly in a christmas lights contest. The range of lights grows each year.

Back to work for one day tomorrow - I'll be pleased to have a rest.

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