
By LaKwAtSeRa

Royal Priors Christmas Tree

The Royal Priors Shopping Centre Christmas Tree is such a beauty to behold. It is tall and glistening.

I went to town today to purchase a jumper and as usual i went to H&M (my favourite!). I decided to buy a new one as i only have two jumpers that i alternately use for the whole week. Washing it often is a bit of a hassle plus expensive too! I have got a few knitted dresses which i could wear  over wearing jumpers but jumpers are just so easy to wear and i can pair it with jeans anytime. As i was rummaging through the many stocks available inside the shop, i spotted the jacket that i was eyeing for weeks ago. I knew i wasnt going to buy that but i still tried it on and it was still a beautiful jacket. Too bad i have decided that it was really expensive and unnecessary. I settled for a 15GBP brown jumper and i was happy as it was a nice fit and it brightens up my face. 

I wouldnt want to nag about research today but it has been a head scratcher! Ive been racking my brain and i still could not figure out the proper function to use! Second day of anaylsing the Gaussian function. How to modify you...

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