The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Christmas Baking

is well and truly underway and although these cupcakes taste nice they were a bit disastrous.

The icing wouldn't go as red as I needed and so it looks like white and pink rather than white and red.  It is supposed to be somewhat like a candy cane (and there is peppermint extract in the icing to give it that candy cane taste also).

I think the mojito cupcakes are going to have to be made as they always turn out ok and are not too hard to make look pretty.  I just suck at:
1 - icing colouring
2 - piping.

I think we have finally wrapped everything.  Thank goodness as I cannot face wrapping another present this year.

The Christmas food shopping is just about here - a couple of things are missing due to me thinking we had some and now realising that we don't and also miscalculating how many meals I was potentially cooking over the next few days.

In other news Nibbler has had a bit of a sore eye so we had a trip to the vet last night but it looks like there was just a random hair stuck in there which was irritating her.  We have some drops for her though to reduce the inflammation it caused her eye.  She is none too pleased about the administration of said drops so I am not sporting a nice scratch across my lip.  Poor wee thing has no concept of the fact we are doing her a favour so you can't blame her for trying to run away.

Oh well shortly it is Christmas Eve - early morning tomorrow - let the festivities begin!

I am also thinking about those people who have lost loved ones this year following the horrible traffic accident in Glasgow yesterday.  Such a tragedy no matter the time of year.  Drive safe everyone.

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