Aussie Christmas!

There's no doubt about it, a big seafood lunch on Christmas day is probably the most popular fare in Australia.  Today I headed down fairly early to the "Red Shed" to buy 2 kilos of the wonderful Banana Prawns.  We had done a taste test on 1 kilo of them a couple of days ago and believe me they passed muster.  They were delicious, scrumptious, amazing.

Now I don't think I've ever met four more enthusiastic girls who are just delightful.  They had even remembered that I had called in yesterday to order the prawns with CCN's Dad.  Don't worry Barb we'll have plenty.  Well by 9.00am they were out of the Banana Prawns our favourite.  Can you imagine my disappointment, until Bonnie called out, "Don't worry Barb, we've put yours aside for you".  Now how's that.  They barely know me, I've only been in there twice and yet they were so on the ball they remembered us calling in and didn't want to let us down.  

The Red Seafood Shed is owned by a fisherman who has his own trawler so the prawns are always freshly caught the night before.  It's a really streamlined operation and has just sky rocketed to the top of the list for our favourite seafood supplier in OZ.

To all my blipper friends and the entire blip community CCN and I would like to wish you a very happy christmas and new year.  Most of all we want you to travel safe and enjoy your time with family and friends.  Looking forward to another wonderful blipping year.  Lots of love and best wishes from the Walking Wombat.

PS - Oh my goodness, I nearly forgot to mention.  We had such a good time at the Red Shed they presented me with a magnificent smoked rainbow trout as a Christmas Present.   Fantastic!

PPS - I've just made the Christmas Ice-cream cake for tomorrows lunch.  In case you're interested, it's pretty much the same as last years.  We don't do the big reveal until the last moment so have added a link to the 2013 version for you information :-0))

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