Making A Pig's Ear Of It!
Today was a busy day and I was out a great deal of the day, with a couple of stops at home to look in on Dolly and give her a quick walk. Dolly is fine being left in the morning and early afternoon as she takes long naps, but her active time is later in the day and she hates being left at home alone. When I finally made it home mid- evening, she was extremely happy to see me and was a little more eager to play than I was!
Normally, Dolly is more ready to go to bed than I am. But tonight she was NOT giving up her playtime in order to go to bed! I think I even fell asleep without her curled up in her usual place at the foot of my bed. I woke up from my doze and went to look for her - she was in another room, in her own little world, chewing on a pig's ear that a friend had given her as an early Christmas present. "Oh, hello, Mummy - have you been looking for me?"
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