
By Digitalies

No Surprises

Surprises is the last thing we want on our two day road trip to the Rockies!

First stop Amarrillo... La la la la lala la.

I managed to have my first brush with the law 2 minutes into my leg of the drive. The local sheriff pulled me over for going to slow! I got a slap on the wrist, slight humiliation and sent on my way.

We stopped a few times to stretch the legs, take in the view and try out my new camera. For the majority of the drive there was a lot of nothing exept energy production.

I took this shot somewhere between Abeline and Lubbock (I think).

New energy meets old. But which is which?

Apart from my brush with the law we made it safely to Amarillo where we checked into a motel, ordered pizza and watched home alone two.

The long drive today sets us up nicely for a much shorter one tomorrow!

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