
By dwalletta

After the rain

I treated myself to a new Christmas jacket this year. It's a sort of furry leopardskin number, and when I bought it the lass in the shop apologised because she didn't think it was real. I hope I managed to look suitably crestfallen.

I was wearing it today when the sky deposited bucketfuls of sleety rain on central Edinburgh, and within minutes I turned from sleek cat into drowned rat. As the rain stopped, a beautiful rainbow appeared over the town. Which  had strangely disappeared from the shot when I downloaded it. So you'll have to use your imagination - it really was there. 

I took another photo tonight and a similar thing happened - Santa's sleigh could no longer be seen above the rooftops. I hope he's nevertheless generous to all of you good people tomorrow, and even better to the naughty ones. Personally, I'm hoping for an umbrella.

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