Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Ready to pop

As much as I would have encouraged Nikki to brave the weather back home, there's no chance I could ever have coaxed her into a similar shot in Edinburgh.  It's times like this when I can only thank my work for bringing me out for a prolonged spell in Southern California.

It's also great for the wee man.  Unlike the last couple of years, this time we were able to bask in the balmy 26 degree pacific sun.

Just this morning, I was able to take him along the coast for another bike ride, something he's come to really love.  He takes great pleasure in counting traffic cones, pointing out 'US flags' and describing each and every car that passes (fortunately we go on quiet roads).

We had a little shock today though.  On our way back, as we pulled up at a stop sign, I glanced over to see a County Sheriff wind down his window and beckon us to the side of the road.  'Oh no' I thought.  Was the wee man's seat somehow illegal?  Was I driving recklessly?

As it turned out, the sheriff simply wanted to reward the wee man for wearing a helmet and presented him with a handful of stickers.  What a great idea - positive policing.

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