
By JennyD

Disaster and Triumph

We discovered to our dismay, last evening, that we could not find the keys to the car and it was locked. The even worse news was that all the Christmas Drink was inside! So, no red wine with the delicious chateaubriand and no hope of anyone being available to fix it on Christmas Day.
Solution? We were in Poole. My son-in-law who lives in Dorchester drove to our home in Marston and collected the spare key and returned to his home. My son in Poole where we were marooned drove to Dorchester and retrieved the spare key so that we could arrive as planned in Dorchester for Christmas lunch. PAY ATTENTION! KEEP UP!
The blip shows the grandchildren in Poole who are in a good mood at this moment but the little angel had me cast in the wicked grandmother role not long after when I admonished her for attempting to trash her brother's newly received Batman's Cave!
Moving on to Dorchester where the older grandchildren were thrilled to receive new mini ipads, we were then treated to a more mature performance of emotional outburst when the email connection refused to recognize any password.
HAPPY XMAS EVERYONE! I can't wait to see what Boxing Day brings!

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