
By GrahamMcArthur

in need of chocolate

Doing Christmas solo this year, so I have spent the last couple of days painting and finalizing some music getting ready to launch a Bandcamp page in the new year. Nice to be able to get up late on Christmas day and do whatever, whenever. Phone call home, and another call tonight will finish the day nicely.
Late afternoon and discovered no chocolate in the house. This terrible occurrence forced me to rub up and wonder outside into the gloom of a Canadian winter in search of chocolate. I had a horrible thought that all the chocolate in Canada would hibernating with none to be found. I eventually discovered a reasonable supply that will do nicely to avert a total disaster and even managed to get a blip in for today (I never leave home, even for a few minutes without a camera, or two).
Saved on both accounts. Now relaxing, listening to some music and catching up on a pile of neglected reading matter.

Merry Christmas one and all, may your light shine on you crazy diamonds.

Final track (completed this morning), titled 'Further Consideration' for the new album 'Upon Further Consideration'. If you wish to risk a listen, be warned, it is approximately 24 minutes long and best listened to at low volume in a quiet room.

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