
By MamaOfBoys


My boys were so tired from yesterday and their late night they slept in this morning.

We just stayed at home relaxing.

Kanyes biological father brought over a present for Kanye of a low rider type bike. Kanye loves it but maybe a bit small for it yet. We are still going through with application for a trike but this will still be useful and loved once he's bigger.

My mum brought over a little paddling pool for the boys and they had a great time in it.

Marley had a bit of a turn when he came in from the pool. Despite being so hot out and his brothers being warm after their paddle Marley was cold, so cold his teeth were chattering and his lips were purplish blue.

I was panicking a bit inside trying not to show my anxiety at how blue his lips were. I quickly dressed him and checked him over i got him to breathe and talk to me about things- how old he was etc checking if was at all disoriented or anything that might indicate the need to call an ambulance, i worried it may have been his asthma but he was breathing fine.

Things ran through my head about what could have caused it but in the end as i sat up against the glass in the sun for an hour with him curled up on me wrapped in a blanket while he drank a warm milo - he was just cold. He eventually warmed and his lips turned pink after maybe 15 minutes.

The rest of the day he was tired and sat with his blanket watching tv. He picked up a little tonight.

I think maybe I panicked more than i would normally have because only a couple of nights ago I dreamed he was in an accident and was taken from me.

I've been watching him all day just to be sure and there's been no side effects to cause me to re think the 111 call. So as i say just cold.

He didn't really have the best day- early this morning when he went to the toilet Kanye forced the door open angrily for no reason and Marley fell off the toilet and to stop him from hurting himself his hands went in the toilet. He was so upset.

My baby. My heart has been in knots for him today.

I lay down with him tonight and as i left his room the light in the hallway caught my eye along with my 'love ' art.

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