My little girl

Maggie with her Christmas present , a little hedgehog, not an armadillo. She always likes to get new toys and carries them around for a long time.
When I wrote the title, I noticed that I often refer to her as "little" and "girl". Both is wrong. She is a good size grown up woman, having had one litter after another while being at the puppy mill. And when she was worn out, her former owner dumped her at a shelter without leaving her name. She might be 39 in human years. But she is my joy, so well behaved and mostly knows pretty well what she is doing. Very smart with a great sniffer. She can find truffels and knows the command to search for them. I think I could teach her a lot more ...
So I thought, before the end of the year she deserves one more spot on my blip page. Although she hates being photographed and always turns her head away as soon as she notices a camera. She also knows that the IPhone has/is a camera.

(Looking at this picture on the big IMac screen I notice that I overdid it with the sharpening of this pic. That was not visible on the smaller screen of the IPad. Sorry for that)

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