Calm Boxing Day

It's been a lovely day, although it's been cold.  A frost over the ground all day but no wind and must have been a light dusting of snow through the night.

A run about Unst this morning in the car.  It was a bit icy in places and the car just managed to get through.  Got to my sister Julie's and a Boxing Day treat of lunch from the left overs from yesterday.  I've had a couple of lovely days with family in Unst, sad to go but will see them all in the New Year :)   Driving through Unst wasn't too bad but off the ferry and in Yell was a nightmare, ice and snow everywhere on the roads but finally battled through, caught the next ferry and home again. 

Day one of my next year on Blip.  I went for a run down to the Baltasound waterfront.  A lovely calm sea and the sun was shining too.  Great weather for the time of year :) 

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