Boxing Day Cousins

Here they all are, four little cousins who have had a very happy Christmas week at Granny's in Somerset. 
Today the rain hampered our plans to go for a long walk, but we went to Sherborne Abbey to have a look around. There was a most magnificent tree near the west door, and other smaller but beautifully lit and decorated trees in less obvious parts of the building. The children were surprisingly fascinated by the space and the height, the trees and the candles in the choirstalls. 
We then went across the road (still raining) for hot chocolate and coffee, before home for a jolly Boxing Day lunch! We had fun trying a game with After Eight mints!
And in the evening, for the grown-ups' supper, we had a rather indulgent Italian panettone trifle - thanks to my recipe from Nigella which worked perfectly!

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