Christmas wreath on a bench

Christmas is done and dusted, people have drunk lots, eaten lots, worked lots or maybe just done nothing at all, but it feels like some of the colour is gone... a bit like the new blipfoto website I would say... I find that the new format lacks warmth, it's a bit too sterile, if you know what I mean. It makes me think of new office buildings or spotless clinics, lacking in character in a way. It's faster, you don't get the annoying over capacity messages anymore and there's some good stuff in it as well, but it just feels too cold, don't know how to explain... I don't even get notified of all the hearts I get, so I'm feeling a bit rude for not replying back...


Now everybody is getting ready for the New Year celebrations!

It was a difficult choice today because I didn't think that any of the pictures I took today stood out in any way, so it's been a bit of a meeney meeney miny moe.

Feeling really tired after a long week and back to work tomorrow. I guess it will be as busy as today... :(

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments stars and hearts on my shot of the St Giles Cathedral yesterday. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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