
What fun I had today! I had a morning in the infant class and was teaching them a wee bit about Finland - so I thought we could do a bit of felting.

There was soap and water everywhere but no-one cared! The squeaks of delight as they rubbed their hands around in the warm soap suds, talking about what they could feel and smell and see - just wonderful. We did take it outside to do, but it was blowing a hooley and the wools were flying around, so we gave up and came in.

It is a summer picture for the classroom, but their enthusiasm has rendered a big hole in the middle of the picture, so I have it home to "sort". One of the flowers came off so I'll use a felting needle to dry felt it back on - no-one will ever know...

A late evening as we had a PTA meeting to organise the Jubilee and a Summer Fayre - all getting a bit full on now on the run up to the summer hols!

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