Rather flashy

Caught in the sunshine, this starling could make the most of his bling.  They are rare visitors to my garden, and today there was just this one, taking his turn alongside
- four and twenty blackbirds (well, it seemed like that)
- the jays
- the rather bossy robin
- a variety of tits
- fat pigeons
- chaffinches
- and a magpie or two who were soon chased away.

I wimped out of going to watch the football.  It was on TV - an early kick off - and the roads were still icy. It wasn't that it was cold or anything. And when I saw the dismal performance on Sky, I was glad I'd saved the money on diesel.

After that display, I went for a walk - the paths were still a bit icy.  I stopped and looked up directly overhead rather precariously, to try and focus on a microlite immediately above.  The owner of a rather cute and cuddly dog said, quite bluntly,  "You can end up on your bum doing that".  He's not wrong.

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