a new year!

By Thesalh70

Swingate Water Tower....my nemesis!

had a fabulous nights sleep! (am probs tempting fate saying that). up with the lark, and what a gorgeous blue sky awaited me. feel so much more energetic when the sun is shining, so after huge bowl of porridge, set off for work and decided to walk from Phoenix Park into town, in the glorious sunshine (albeit a bit cold first off, and a frost on my car roof!). it's just over 3.5 miles walk and it took me an hour, but well worth it. bizarrely as i set my Runkeeper (walkkeeper!), i noticed that the last time i did this walk was 17th May 2011! spooky!

met up for a fruit tea at lunch with Mrs Triv then back to the office. finished at 5pm and rather crazily decided to walk back to PP again! another 3.5 miles, but again well worth it and only took an hour, which on most nights is how long it takes me to get home!

set my broad beans tonight - had started them off in pots and were now getting too big and praying on my mind. so, dug veg patch and set them, done!

still had time to get my blip. i knew the glorious blue sky would provide a gorgeous sunset, but i instead decided to show a pic of the sun reflecting on the scart Water Tower. this place used to terrify me when i was little. i can remember dad driving us up there in our green cortina estate and me screaming!! i didn't scream tonight, instead i got talking to an old fella who knew some of the history of the tower, started off in 1947 and completed by 1952 (pam and mark will correct me if i'm wrong!) there's rumours they may pull it down and replace it with houses...a travesty, and i'm sure that won't happen to such a local landmark.

bed now, and another green tea.

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