a new year!

By Thesalh70

Lighting my Olympic flame

Awesome nights sleep yet again, and fresh as a daisy. Drove into work today, gave the old legs a rest. Looking forward to the weekend already and one full of painting at 49, and also a farewell to my bro who leaves early on Monday to start his new life in the isle of man.

Can't believe it's all happening so quickly for him, but it will be amazing I'm sure, and can't wait for the visits over there.

Diet is going v well. My good friend assures me this time next week I'll be 9lb lighter! No alcohol this weekend will be a test and would usually have enjoyed a glass on a Thursday (unofficial start to the weekend!). So it's an early bath and another green (and something) tea for me, when it should be a nice Rioja, or g&t.

I took this blip with my new tiny iPhone macro lens that arrived today. Brilliant little gadgets, which will be fun to use

Friday tomorrow....

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