
By JanBee

Late afternoon

With the falling blaze,
Golden light suffuses all,
Wrapped in long shadows.

Another gloriously sunny, but chilly day. Got up late, took back the jumper I bought in the sales yesterday and swapped it for another one (still a bargain honest!), then decided to take the dog to Firle Beacon for a walk.  The beacon forms part of the South Downs way and is often used by hang-gliders as a launch point.  There are fabulous views from up there over the sea and the coast to the south and over the weald to the north.  It was cold, but not as unbearable as it sometimes can be ...

As we walked back to the car the sun was starting to go down, basking everything in that slightly golden light.  There was something about this view which just appealed to me ... even though it is straight into the sun and burnt out in places ....

Back home now and the temperature seems to be dropping rapidly so have got the woodburner on the go and am ready for a quiet, and warm, night in.

More Firle shots here

For some reason I have been feeling very tired lately ... maybe the pressures of the last few months have caught up on me ...  thanks to those who have stuck with me ... my New years resolution is to keep up with blip!

Back blip here

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