We Only Sing When We're Fishing...

The sun shone brightly all day and it made a big difference. We'd had two days of pretty steady rain and bone chilling temperatures so the sun was a little more welcomed than usual.

We toddled off to Cleethorpes for a late breakfast and then joined the brother-in-law and his mates at his 'club' near the famous Blundell Park. We cheered on the Mighty Mariners of Grimsby Town Football Club and we had a glorious 20 minutes or so. Unfortunately the game is actually 90 minutes long... Hey ho!

I'd like to introduce you to Rob and Dave, son and father and good friends of the aforementioned brother-in-law. I can't remember how long I've known these two. I do know we've cheered on Town at locations as glamourous as Wembley and the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff, not to mention Lincoln City... They are invariable excellent company and today they proved themselves good eggs by helping me out with my blip. I think they even enjoyed the experience - bonus!

The evening was spent with Dr T's family and it turned into a very good night indeed, aided by a delicious meal prepared by my sister-in-law. I tried the moustaches out on family members but they weren't so keen.

On a different note, has anyone heard when the Apple blip apps are going to be ready? I'm getting by using the site via the internet on the ipad but key features like editing and adding links do not appear to be available. I had presumed they'd have them ready for the new crop of blippers who will start on the 1st. Any news?

I'm writing this on Monday morning and we'll be on the road back home within a couple of hours. I wish everyone easy travelling over this festive period.

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