A new challenge!!

I met some ladies from Australia and New Zealand when on holiday in the Baltic last summer. We had an impromptu sewing bee and they told me all about the Foundation Paper Piecing patchwork which is machine sewn and uses a thin paper backing (sheets of telephone directory paper are ideal) to stabilise the small fiddly pieces of material.

They were interested to hear about the English Paper Piecing which is hand sewn and is the method I use. As a result I decided to try out the alternative method for some parts of my quilt project. 

I bought a Quilt Colour Workshop book and found that it provided exactly what I wanted and provided super ideas of colour and design.

Today I started with the photocopied template pieces, worked out what needed to be cut out and sewn onto the sheets from the Yellow Pages.

Once I got my head round what was what and what way up did it go, I was fine. The finished block will be blipped tomorrow.

Whist all of this was going on I had background music from the Bee Gees and The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, which was not to Millie’s taste so she “legged it”. It was being played rather loudly so that I could sing along with offending anyone, except the cat!! She will be back in time for tea.

I've had a great afternoon of "me" time :0)


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