My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Poor Mr Messi-cat

After his tooth extraction about 10 days ago, Mr Messi-cat began licking a patch on his right shoulder. He licked it so much that he licked all the fur off and the top layer of skin. Then he started scratching.

Today we took him back to the vets to get it looked at as he had drawn blood overnight last night and we were worried about infection and the fact that it doesn't appear to be healing very well with all the scratching going on.

The vet couldn't work out what has gone on - he has no obvious irritation there and no sign of any parasites or anything - so gave him two injections. One is a steroid to help reduce itchiness and one is an antibiotic to fight the little infection he has developed. We'll monitor it over the next week or so and go back if necessary.

Poor Mr Messi-cat. He was very brave today, returning to the vets. We feel the licking started as a stress reaction to the tooth extraction and turned into OCD behaviour which got itchy so he couldn't leave it alone and so it escalated.

Hopefully the injections will do the trick.

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