Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Wake up it's a beautiful morning...

...again! I just love crisp, frosty winter mornings.

My phone vibrated to let me know I had a message at 7 this morning and I shot out of bed as it was from Curry's letting me know that the men delivering and installing my new cooker would be with me shortly - between 7.15 and 11.15 to be precise. I shot out of bed because I hadn't cleaned behind my old cooker yet and I didn't want them seeing that mess! I was right - it was disgusting - I found a sausage (don't ask), a knife, a bouncy ball, one spider, lots of dust and other bits and pieces - yuk!

Anyway, cleaning over, I waited and waited - as you do! They eventually arrived at about 10 o'clock. While waiting I nipped out to take this picture of the pool at the end of our road - the light was beautiful.

Also today I did some marking, did the weekly shop, saw two of my old friends who I haven't seen in ages,chauffeured my sons around and did lots of washing.

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