at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


I wanted to go for a drive to today to take Ivy to play in the snow  lying out of the village. Got Ivy and I all layered up, only to discover that Euan had washed her snow suit and it was in the tumble drier. Ivy and I bounced about impatientally for half an hour whilst it dried, got all bundled up again and then discovered the car battery was dead and we couldn't go anywhere. Took Ivy out to play in the garden and the park instead, she enjoyed smashing pieces of Ice from the top of a bucket of water on the ground and playing on the slide.

Went on a walk to go and see the ducks, which slightly nibbled Ivy's mittens and Euan nearly killed one by panicing and almost kicking it in the head.... Went to the polytunnel to harvest some chillis since we were up that way- Ivy was very amused by an escaped chicken, and did some quality digging in our polytunnel bed, filling a pot with soil so we could transplant one of the chilli plants out to take home. Not allotmenting next year, but she can help me plant the pumpkin and squash plants out in the back garden.

She opened her last christmas present today, which was some wooden cake and a piping bag from Granny Grant and Pops. She was very impressed with the cake, it's one of her newer words, but has never seen a piping bag before, so i showed her pretend piping and made a 'schhhhhwwwwffff' noise like squirty cream- so now when Ivy mimes piping she makes the noise too. We were joking that if Ivy ever becomes a professional chef she'll sitll be making the funny noise for piping....

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