Just .........

 ....... a frosty leaf on the frozen front grass.

Very, VERY cold this morning with a frost that looks more like snow.
This leaf was actually at the back of the house (out of the sun) but I moved it to get some light on it - I think it looks quite pretty - and I also like the one blade of grass poking his head up hopefully.
(Taken with my 70-300 lens - handheld f/14 at 230mm & ISO 200) - I enjoy trying to get these shots with the bigger lens)

Thank you for all your comments on my MM Challenge shot yesterday - no-one got even close ........ it's actually a close up of the top of some of the handles of a large set of knives that Himself bought me for Christmas - I love cooking and I love kitchen gadgets so far more excited about stuff like this than perfume or clothes ....

Got some new painkillers for Mum yesterday after a drive up to her doctors surgery (80 mile round trip) - early days yet but she managed to get down the stairs today (and then rewarded herself with a cigarette by the back door - bad Mummy!!!  lol) ...... we'll see how it goes from here.

We have a strange sense of humour in our house - I reminded Mum of the advert on TV -

 " a dog is for life, not just for Christmas "

 telling her that, this year,

 " a visit by Mum is just for Christmas and not for life "

 .......... sorry if that offends anyone but we all thought it was funny (Mum included)!!!

Thank you from her and thank you from me for all the well wishes.

~ Anni ~

Thought for the Day

Who do you want to talk to?  
The man in charge or the woman who knows what's going on??


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