Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Happy Birthday E

Work up early to an excited new 8 year old. So early in fact I said she had to go and watch some TV for half an hour so the rest of us could wake up properly.

E's on a personal image journey. Pink is uncool, girly is uncool, pretending like you don't care is very very cool.

Her skateboard and converse went down and she loved her riding hat from Will & Erin, although we'll have to change the size.

A friend from school got her a very (not pink!) baseball cap & bright laces for her converse. She loves them.

Swimming after school. Had to insist E took her new hat off, and then E's request of macaroni cheese for dinner before a speed bath and a visit from my mum & Gareth. Grandad popped over too and the house was bursting.

We were waving Grandad off when he reversed into the next door neighbours awkwardly parked car. :-s that was a bit uncomfortable for a few moments. Thankfully they were ok about it. Neighbour had only had it a month, brand new and now with a dink in the door. Oops.

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