Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Happy birthday to my first born

It's E's birthday today. I think it's the strangest feeling when your eldest child has their next birthday. Realisation of the length of time you've been a parent.

Fortunately, still being on our hols, E didn't have school today and we were able to go to the farm. Folly Farm is more than just a farm, it also has zoo animals and fairground rides. A great time was had by all.... Including the donkeys who demonstrated their "special cuddle time" for us :-S

This year E didn't a present, she asked for money to our with her savings to get an iPod. Yes, we have reached that stage already. They don't have access to the internet at home, and they don't get a lot of access to their console because I'm a scaredy cat and worry they might lose their brain somewhere in the process. I do accept however that this is an IT world we live in and they might get 'left behind' if they're not up to speed. I just hope they when she gets her iPod touch she doesn't become a bedroom kid, grunting instead of speaking and only coming out of her room for meals ;-)

A meal in the pub on our way back where the waitress popped a candle in her dessert as a special treat.

Running back to the holiday hut, E twisted her ankle and ended the day with tears. Think she's just exhausted tbh.

Last day tomorrow.

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