The Present That Santa Forgot

Orla had indicated to her dad and Grandma that she was a bit disappointed by her presents. Her big thing this year is Minecraft and Santa had brought her a set of Minecraft mini-figures. When I asked her why she was disappointed, it turned out that the mini-figures he brought weren't the ones she wanted - she was hoping for a set that we had seen in Dobbie's a couple of months ago. I saw what had happened immediately. Santa had thought that she would like the set he brought because it had more figures in it, but he hadn't realised that what she really, really wanted was the tamed wolf and the ocelot that were in the other set. 

So we packed up all our stuff and headed for home, stopping at Scotch Corner on the way for a Burger King, which Orla had won by accumulating lots of brownie points over the past few days. When we got home, Gran and Papa were at our house and had made us dinner. After dinner, Auntie Katie, Uncle Scott and Ryan came round and we had another round of present-opening.

But lo, there was one more present under the tree, this one from Santa to Orla! There was a tag on it explaining that Santa had found a parcel with Orla's name on it in his sleigh after he had left Yorkshire, so he just dropped if off at our house and left it under the tree. And guess what it was - the Minecraft figures she really wanted! Here's a video of her opening it. 

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