We had a lovely day today. We had lunch at the Chevin with our friends. Very nice pub and lovely food. After a rather long lunch we headed back to Rick and Lili's new house. It was very cosy. Orla made herself at home quickly and wasn't happy until she had seen every room (and jumped on a bed - mortified!). We headed back to Grandma and Grandad's and had some tea with them. Ed and I had an invitation to Matthew's Mum's in the evening. We hummed and hawed about the best thing to do, given the situation with Conor (who has been much better today) and in the end decided to go for a couple of hours and take him with us. Orla stayed behind playing games with Grandma and Grandad, so she was quite happy. The house has an inglenook fireplace and it was so cosy and Christmassy, we could quite easily have stayed there all night! We did head home about 10.30 though, to discover Orla asleep sitting up in her Peppa bed. It was the uncomfiest thing I've seen in a long time!

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