Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck


This little chap/chapesse (delete as appropriate) flew into the conservatory window this morning, I believe it's a Great Tit. Probably an ab initio flight ie it's first time. To hold something so fragile is a wonderful experience, god help me I'm getting all gushy! Now, what was my motivation dwahlings? Yes, lights, camera, action! I rushed outside and picked him/her up; Toots gets beside herself, she wants to lick wounded birds and has a habit of shepherding them into a corner and nestling them down.

Within a few minutes it was clinging to my fleece, then I placed it in the bush from which it had just flown, where Mum & Dad were already into mourning and had ordered no flowers, just donations to Petsmart. Good deed done, suit of armour polished and halo set on a jaunty angle. I did make one error, I took it indoors. I was standing with a chick in my paw thinking, if you escape you will mess everywhere due to fear and Mrs Booty will do me!

Next, Mrs Booty, the sainted one, took her mother, Fang off to M&S. This was my opportunity. For 7 weeks she has refused to let me do anything around the house or walk Toots. I bimbled outside, switched off the mains water then changed the washers on the kitchen taps! That my friends is a major step on my way to recovery and her doom. Soon I shall be back to my Olympian best, then she can standby! But Shhhhhh! It's our secret.

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