Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Too cool

This jaunty madam came sauntering out of Argos, finally found her car, honest, retrieved her flask then hopped onto the bonnet to wait for her companion. Her car, her flask, her arse on the bonnet.

During 1979 I was at Oxford Air Training School studying for my civilian flying licence. The place was full of folks from various Middle Eastern countries who were not as fully committed as we were - 'nuff said.

Lunch one fine summer day ended, I strolled back with my colleagues then stopped as if planted between the eyes. I/we owned an ancient Renault 16 which was in mint condition. Sitting on the bonnet was Saddam Hussein's twin and around him stood about 6 of his boy friends. I give my mates credit for trying to stop me but I was in full flow. Try and imagine a roaring noise about 18 inches in front of your face..................

"Hello, do you own a car?"
"I do.......you are sitting on it now get your scruffy little harris off it immediately and disappear!"

Fearing an international incident the team had waited nearby, not needed, Abdullah got off, followed by his crew and went away. We didn't have many possessions and the car was important to us as we then lived in Arbroath, so I was less than impressed with some dork using it as his flying carpet.

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