Scouting Out 2015

Today was a stonker hot one.......we even bit the bullet to put on the air con (very rare).When I walked outside all I could hear was the gentle purr of the neighbours air con too....everybody in their right minds were inside.

However this evening we took our tea down to the beach and nibbled away  and sipped on our small bottle of cider. It was balmy and gentle after the fierce sun and it was lovely to see other family's down there doing the same thing.
It felt important to see the sun go down (no color) and reflect on what the year had been for us.

Well as you can see here it is New years Eve and I am posting my blip with my pyjamas on and ready for bed. We did reflect on the parties we used to go to and crazy things that would happen on this eve (many momentous things happened for me).....and now our life revolves around a small being  who is peacefully asleep after creating much havoc and driving his mother mad (therefore me too). I look inside and wonder if I wish for the 'old' days ....and yes there is still a little glimmer...yet on further reflection everything feels in it's rightful place.

I wish you all a wonderful night...and will see you on the flip side.

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