Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Snow art

......though not as we know it. It seemed a good idea to carve 365 out of snow but our collective (me and my son) efforts this morning proved more difficult than I thought. Still it makes the point.

I was very unsure that I would keep this going at first but I am so glad I have done so and have learnt so much in the process - I was a casual snapper only and now take reasonable photos; I knew that there were birds but not what they were called; I would never have bought a bird feeder station a year ago; I purchased a camera to improve and now I'm thinking of upgrading again. It's been an incredible journey.

On the way I have met some simply wonderful people who have subscribed to my journal. I value your support, praise and critique and you have all lifted me up when I have been low. I love looking at the variety of blips you all display and it is so much part of my daily routine now.

I think I am still more a writer than a photographer though the photos have given a context to some of my meanderings. Stimulated by Gilesy's 100 Objects I intend to embark on an occasional series reflecting on some major moments in my life stimulated by an artefact which I shall blip. Watch this space!

I haven't done much that is new since I was diagnosed three years ago and Blipfoto represents the only thing I have engaged in and become attached to afresh. I continue to do a lot of the activities and connections which has defined my life for many years but Blip was new and challenging. I am so glad I started it and now I have reached the milestone I set I intend to continue as long as I am able.

It's been an exciting, sometimes frustrating, sometimes frantic, sometimes disappointing, certainly surprising year on Blip. Two friends of mine have started blip too and that is really cool but I have found new friends, some amazing people and I have seen and read your insights into your lives. Thank you so much for sharing and thank you for sticking with me.

Happy new Blip Year!

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