City Boy

Travelled down to London on the evening train to meet Roam at King's Cross. He's very much a city boy now, the tube network in his head, working at venues (often football clubs) all over the place doing top-end bar and catering work. He's landed on his feet with this job. His very first gig was the Sportswoman of the Year Awards, getting to serve canapés to the likes of Victoria Pendleton!

We had an eventful tube ride out to his house at Harrow. We found some space at the front of the train but that was quickly invaded by a very cocky bunch of young lads, mixed races, not really aggressive but just in our faces and showing off - even to the point of lighting up and sharing a joint amongst themselves.  I so wanted to get the camera out and take some pictures and capture a bit of that attitude, but common sense got the better of me. Roam fronted them up and got them to put the smoke out. He is so much more responsible than me! The funniest thing though was the rant he went off on when we left the train. He was like a grumpy old man. The youth of today and all that! He does not suffer fools gladly.

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