Yamkela iKapa

By lindseydw

Bird of Paradise

These flower/birds with their distinctive Mohawks greeted me on my walk along the drainage system this morning.

On another note, I realized that I've officially converted to South African English by about 60%. The rest of the conversion, however, I am reluctant to undergo. For example, in that last sentence, I spelled "realized" as "realised" before catching myself. Further, I've been writing "programme," "organisation," "colour," and "centre" lately as naturally as I get dressed in the morning. And - I've been likewise referring to car fuel as "petrol" rather than "gas." But do you know what people here also do? They say "demotivated" which. is definitely not a word. And "covering letter" instead of "cover letter." I am holding out strong against these ones, though. if you ever hear me say "demotivated," please slap me in the face.

And also. Uncle Charlie and Carly asked me to include pictures of myself in this blog. I thought this photo would be a close enough likeness.

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