Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Lovers of Light?

Aye Right!

Blip challenged us to head outside for the solstice and take a photo of the light as we found it on this, the shortest day of the year.  We decided that the most appropriate place to capture daylight on the Solstice was at Castlerigg Stone Circle.

Well, we awoke to a bank of dark clouds and rain, not much chance of a good sunrise over the mountains at dawn.  As such, we set off a little later.  The light, whilst there in some miniscule proportions, was definitely lacking in anything you could love!  One day, I will visit this circle on a warm, sunny day and be amazed by its beauty, set amongst vast mountains and hills, looking down over the valley.  As it was, I fired off some shots, my exposures were too high, then too low, when they were in focus there was little rain faeries dancing across the picture in their blurred glow.

As such, I've settled for this shot.  Very similar to the last time I visited.  I don't know why but I always find myself drawn to these tiny brass depictions of the circle, a path rubbed shiny as people walk their fingers into the circle, the tops of the "stones" gleam from gentle fingers caressing them and Helvelyn stands proud with a polished peak.

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