Taking Liberties

Hi Alex and Louise

Wow your New Years celebrations looked amazing. You both look so happy. What more could you want.

We saw the new year in watching Queen live at Westminster Abbey...on the TV. It was great. Makes me want to see them even more now. Good job I have a ticket for 17th.

Nick had a few friends round and we had an Indian takeaway. Lots of fizz. A great concert to watch plus the fireworks in London which were awesome. It was a nice way to see in the new year.

I've signed up for dryathlon. Plus I've made a list of all the things I'd like to do in 2015. There are a couple of random things on my list. Washing an elephant is one. While your in Thailand have a look around and see if I can get my wish there. I'm trying to give myself at least one thing a month to look forward to and work for.

A lazy morning today as I woke with the most horrid headache which made me feel really sick.....and it wasn't through drink either. I think it's either too hot in the bedroom or chocolate overload....I've been eating the bits you left behind. All gone now which is a good thing.

Off to the cinema for the annual family trip. Not sure Tom will make it as he is being sick through alcohol. Nick might come with Hollie although I'm not sure they can be bothered to move. We will see. We were going to see Dumb and Dumber but now I think it Unbroken. Whatever we see I'm sure it will be good.

Maisie and Oscar are taking liberties and keep jumping on the sofa for a comfy lay. I can't say I blame them. They are not usually let into the lounge let alone lay on the sofa. After today that will stop. Must get them back into their routine. It is nice cuddling up to them though. Alex I think she misses you x

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