Twists And Turns

A new year
New starts
New directions

I am not sure where we will be heading with Blips new partnership.
Like many others I don't like the idea of Blip taking second place in the heading and certainly hope that is not the way things will go or be led.

However ..............
We as a whole are a bit reluctant to accept change, but change is part of life .... we grow and develop the whole time - sometimes for the better, sometimes not. But change we do.
I have changed the way I use Blip a bit and the reasons why, since joining the site and I am sure many others have too.

I have read many complaints that Joe and the team have done things behind the backs of the site's users and without consulting them.
Let us not forget that this site is Joe's.
Joe came up with the idea and has seen it through to where it is now.
The site is part of our lives, that is all - but it IS Joe's life.
If there are changes we don't like we can walk away without it really impacting us at all - Joe (and his family) can't.

Bitching about the way the site is developing does no good and is not fair on Blip Central.
We each need to wait and see if we like, agree, can morally/ethically accept where it goes.
Only then should we make up our minds what to do and - should we feel the need to leave ....... do it quietly, without moaning, after all -- Joe does not make comment on how we lead our lives or what we do or tell us how we should do things.

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