A MIMent In Time

By justmim

At the end of the day...

PJs and peppermint tea :]

It's funny how much of a difference having to leave the flat just 20 minutes earlier makes! Thankfully I managed to work out that I could get the number 3 to my shift which takes longer than the 29 so means not having to wander around in a strange place for half an hour. Just as well; Midlothian is an...interesting place!

The shift (another shadow) itself was grand - a lot of sitting around but that's always a positive when it's as a result of your service user's independence :]

Pleasantly tired :]

Looking forward to Saturday morning's lie-in though ;]

Today I'm thankful for...:
-An extensive bus service!
-Google Chrome's restore feature working smoothly & thus saving me having to re-type this all when I forgot to turn my laptop cable ON!

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