A bit further down the road

After three appointments since I joined Blipfoto (or should I say Polaroid Bilpfoto!) in the past year and 9 in the last three years I have now journeyed a little bit further down my road. As regular subscribers know I have always blipped a long and winding road after each appointment and hitherto it has had the same viewpoint, (here I would add the links to previous blips but it remains absent from my browser so cannot do so).

Anyway my blip tonight takes me further down the road. I have reached second line treatment as my PSA continues to rise. I have been expecting it for some time so it was not a complete surprise. It's not the dreaded chemo (yet) but another tablet which is known for some side effects so tiredness and even hot flushes could increase. But we shall see.

So I am still ok, if fact strangely I feel as well as I have for ages, but I am moving down the road a little and have a two monthly appointment this time to see if this drug works to arrest this process.

It's a strange start to the new year but it need not change what I do or how I am necessarily. So hopefully I will continue as before. Life is for living after all!

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