A Cosy Beginning
Having posted the last sunset of 2014 for yesterday's blip, I had intended to post the first sunrise of 2015 for today. However, new year or not, the weather was not cooperating! What a grey, damp, windy and dark day it was! Like last year there was certainly no stunning sunrise on the first day of the year!
We had an enjoyable day anyway - quiet and relaxing and I was able to get a few things done that I'd been putting off for way too long - there is something about starting a new year that makes me want to start with a clean slate (and a clean desk!).
As far as Dolly was concerned, the very best way to enjoy the dark damp day is to stay cosy and warm in her favourite place in front of the fire. Even better when mummy comes to sit there too! I usually can't resist!
Happy New Year everyone, and thank you for all the congratulations for publishing my first 365 blips! Quite a few got published late, but I did it!
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