Journey Through Time

By Sue

Coots on Ice

Is this a good image?  No.  Did it amuse me? Yes.   We went to Ridgefield NWR today and much of the wetlands still had a thin coating of ice, and these coots were walking across an icy area to get to the liquid part of the pond. Bill and I found watching birds walk on ice was very entertaining.  
You are welcome to view a few right here, including swans on ice, and a Northern Shoveler who looks quite confused after she landed on the frozen water.  My favorite photos are a few with trees against the distant bit of color in the sky.  Dark clouds crowded in and pushed the light far to the south.  Rain is due in and hopefully we will get rid of this cold, dry weather.  Although, given what I saw on the news about the rest of the country....I can't complain one little bit.  Well, I can...but I won't.

Okay, kids....that's about it for today.  Hope your new year is going great so far. Two days down, 363 more to go.  

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