Journey Through Time

By Sue

Brilliant Green

This Anna's Hummingbird was chirping away, and when I found her, she just glistened in the sun.  So, I had to share this jewel of our garden.  They have been busy dive bombing each other lately, guarding their food supply.  I did see two Flickers bobbing and weaving to each other and I don't know if they were in some sort of mating ritual or just what was going on.  Seems early for all of that, but what do I know?  Not much.

Of course this time of year, Football is on the agenda.  Bill is excited about Sunday's Pro games as he will see if he finishes in the money with his football pool.  He has a good chance to finish #2. 

So, that's about it, kids.  Hope you are having a good weekend! The Townsend's Warbler is still around, and I got two photos of him that aren't too bad, if I do say so myself.

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