Lazy duck!

This wee guy was sound asleep, when I saw him I wondered could I sneak up on him as I only had my wee GF1 with its 20 prime lens! So with great stealth I quietly crept up and this was as close as I got to get a snap of him before he woke up. He and his wife live on this wee pond in the grounds of the hotel my youngest daughter is temping at. She says that every day his wife takes her wee family of 6 on walkabout and while she is gone he has a nap. Typical male!

After a couple of wee sessions last night which I managed to stop myself, today my nose has so far (touching wood) behaved itself and has not bled profusely over myself and the house so I am going canny. Not to lift heavy things (I suppose that should include the coal bucket) not to walk up a steep hill.... well today I took the doggies for their wee plod by the canal and was half way up the brae when I remembered the docs warning, so I slowed down to a very slow plod and made it, so quite pleased this far. Wish me luck it stays that way! I still look like a panda though!
PS thank you for all your get well wishes, this one of the things that make Blip such a nice community

Happy blipping all

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