Off Centre

By RachelCarter

I thought I saw...

a pile of books in a photo on the Internet today. A pile of books with bright gorgeous spines.

It turned out to not be a pile of books but a picture of something else.

I can't even remember what it was now, I was so disappointed.

So I made my own.

And I threw in a bit of sex.

A day spent in cold poky office today acquiring numb toes. Not much else to report.

'I thought I saw' is the name of a book we had in the nineteen seventies. I expect Mum's still got it, knowing her. I've just looked and it can be bought, used, on Amazon
I thought I Saw

It's a lovely book and like a lot of kids' books needs to be held and enjoyed as part of a whole experience.
There's a lot of silly nonsense around lately about how ebooks will be the death of physical books. Don't believe a word of it.

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