Life begins again

After taking a day off life yesterday, today we went to take the air at Grenitote. What a lot of air we ended up taking. It might look warm and sunny but it was very, very windy and as a consequence felt pretty cold too.
Stunning vast expanse of sand though, full of Godwits  and Plovers but ornithologically the highlight was a flock - flurry is definitely a better word - of Snow Buntings, 90 of them, on the machair by the Udal wheelhouse. Always a highlight, these small buntings come here for the winter from far colder climes and always enliven any day you see them.
Back at Gearradubh in the evening we invited a few of the near neighbours around for a glass of mulled cider and unintentionally ended up playing sardines with fifteen of us in our (small) main room. Fun however.

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