Sooner or Later the Fever Ends...


When you trust your daughter, let her go out, safe in the knowledge that she is intelligent enough to go out and do all the things you ever did without getting arrested (although I did talk myself out of that one - twice), murdered, or assaulted. 

Do not, in a moment of madness say, "keep in touch, let me know what you are up to". 

When said child has consumed her body weight in alcohol (Please drink responsibly), chances are that she will remember your words to her, and interpret them literally. 

And text you, 
From Pre's
From the club. 
From the taxi, 
From the after party, 
from the after after party. 
from the walk home. 
From the friends where she is staying over night. 

Continually over the space of two hours.  Reassuring you of her safety, and love for you. 

Which in the early evening would be lovely, if slightly repetitive, but at 3.40 am and going on til 5.40 is just tooooo much.  

Especially when you say in return, "I think maybe you want to come home, I'll come and get you".  And she replied "No, You will just stare at Peppers". 


Is a good job I knew what she was talking about. :-) 

Thanks Tooli, Good Laugh and Plenty of Ammunition. 

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